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Original WWII German Wehrpaß and Sports Documents Grouping to Helmut Gabelmann

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    Purchase Original WWII German Wehrpaß and Sports Documents Grouping to Helmut Gabelmann

    SKU: 47405 Original WWII German Wehrpaß and Sports Documents Grouping to Helmut Gabelmann

    Available for immediate delivery
    Very nice grouping to a fallen Heer officer who was also in the SA. The grouping includes his; Wehrpaß with 3 documents, SA Sports Badge Record Book, SA Sports Badge Award Doc., DRL ID/Dues Card, DLRG ID Card, School Board Candidate Card, Sports Competition Award for Breast Stroke Relay and a Sports Competition Award for 100m Breast Stroke. His Wehrpaß was opened on August 27th, 1936. He spent most of his service in Infantry Regiments. He was trained on the Kar98K, MG 13 and 34, P08, Hand Grenade, MG42, light Mortar 36 and MP40. He was promoted to Hauptmann! He won the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Classes, Russian Front Medal, Wound Badge in Black/Silver/Gold and Infantry Assault Badge in Silver. There are several engagements listed for France and Russia. He was killed in 1944.